Amp Up Your Facebook Page with Professional Mode
Professional Mode Is Now Available
Earlier this summer, I had spotted that there was a "professional mode" on my personal facebook page, and I turned it on.
Over the years, Facebook is always changing, and in the past they had frowned on too many business related posts on a personal page.
Here is where you can find the Professional Mode option and HOW TO turn it on:

Go to your profile, and then click on the 3 vertical dots. It will be the 7th item that says, "Professional Mode"
The Benefits:
You can see insights or analytics about your performance to see what type of posts that your audience is responding to.
Run Advertisements to your services, or products

Keeping "Social" in Social Media
When I work with clients on Social Media, I combine creativity with technical guidance to create engaging posts that entertain, educate, and keep you top of mind—ultimately driving conversations that lead to sales.
Todays' Demands On Entreprenuers
Back in 1999, when I first started my first business (Salon) there was less pressure because Facebook or any of the Social media channels didn't exsist.
You just had to rely on "word of mouth", and today's word of mouth is now tied to what is said about your business online.
Back in 2008
I had received an email that touted "Make Thousands of Dollars online blogging!". At that time, I didn't even know what "blogging"was. But soon, blogging became a regular practice for my business, and blogging is still relevant today.
Keeping "Social" in Social Media
When I work with clients on Social Media, I combine creativity with technical guidance to create engaging posts that entertain, educate, and keep you top of mind—ultimately driving conversations that lead to sales.
Actual Screenshot from my Salon's Analytics to date.

Do you find creating Social Media content such a big chore? Register for my workshop!
In my latest free virtual workshop "How To Create 30 Days of Social Media Content in Under an Hour" , I will teach you how to make it so much easier to make fun, educational and engaging content very fast!
One quick tip!
Drop a "Good Morning" post in the morning, on your Facebook Feed, and watch how much engagement that you may get, but better than that is you will start someone's day with something positive.
And it's always a good feeling to help others, because if they are following you, then you have a responsibility to not waste their time.
Thank you for your time right now, and feel free to reach out!
Ann Marie Walts & Team
How To Marketing Pro
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